Ask yourself end of every month!!


Days,weeks, months then years are flying very fast. So as our life. End of every month we normally prepare the budget for next month and balance the credit and debit of last month. Most of us follow the procedure. What is the reason. Yes, simply for better evaluation. Same evaluation has become a part of my life plan now. Here’s my questions for the month!

1)How well did I treat myself?

2)What are the best thing happened to me and what I have achieved?

3)Where did I fail? and Why is that?

4)What life lessons have I learned?

5)What is the most important area you need to be focused on next month?

Those are the few questions I normally ask myself. I am sure you are having such a self-evaluation once a month or once in two months at least. What are the questions raised? The sky is the limit. Let us work for ourselves as far as possible.

The picture from my gallery was taken while evening strolling. “The Free Sky

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