One-pot pasta


The easiest pasta recipe I prepared so far. When you are not sick with rigid methods and processes, you can always find new methods ideas as well as inventions. There are times you need to be with the process but cooking is out of that. That is my idea. How about you?

So my one-pot easy time saving pasta recipe is here.

My main ingredients were pasta, fresh milk, seasoned chicken(with salt and pepper) an egg, chicken stock, garlic paste, Gouda

Add olive oil to a pan. And garlic paste and chicken into the frying pan. When things spread a nice smell add chicken stock and water. Then add pasta. When pasta is getting tender add fresh milk. Close the lid and give some rest for a super boil with medium-high heat. You can add some chili flakes too if you love.

It is like this now.

The pasta was so juicy and great smell. By the time of reducing the liquid add an egg. Upon the egg, spread sliced Gouda or mozzarella as your taste.

Cheesy, juicy pasta is ready for serve.

I always love easy recipes wich are friendly with our tide schedules. Shall we share easy pasta recipes?

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