Warm, hearty casserole


Casserole can be prepared in many ways. I always make foods in my own style. Food making has no rigid ways you are free to prepare your dishes according to your own taste.
Here is how I made casserole for this Christmas night dinner.

Ingredients– Broccoli, carrot, potato (you can add cauliflower too)

For sauce– vegetable or chicken stock, corn flour 2tbsp, fresh milk, one egg, Gouda cheese, sliced onion, butter.

tomato for topping if you prefer.

First wash all vegetables and then boil broccoli, carrot, and potato. While boiling add some salt in to boiled water. Boil vegetables well. Keep the boiled vegetables away.

Let us prepare the sauce for the casserole. Add cool water at room temperature to cornflour. Stir well. Then add fresh milk and the stock(chicken stock or vegetable stock) I used chicken stock. Beat the egg well and add it to the liquid. Put the mixture into a pan and stir continuously with medium-high heat. Continue stirring till the mixture gets thick gradually. keep the sauce away. You can add pepper and salt to your taste now.

Now let us place the boiled vegetables in our Pyrex. The Pyrex I use today is suitable for preparing casserole for two well-grown persons. You can see how I put my vegetable layers. See how I matched colors. Like it? I love green always, see my broccoli with greenery.

Now mix the boiled vegetables in Pyrex well in order to incorporate all well. Then add the sauce prepared, spread over the vegetables. Finally spread cheese slices over sauce.

Now put the casserole in the oven and bake 20-25 minutes in 180C. The casserole is ready to serve.

Love to hear from you, any special method of preparing the sauce?

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