Wonderful”Me time” ideas for your weekend

Are you taking care of yourself? The whole week you are prepared to work for someone else could be for your boss, children, family, etc. No doubt. You need “Me time” every day. But with tight schedules, you may miss it. The weekend is the perfect moment for you on behalf of your “Me time”. Great escape to be in to your world for a bit.

I love early morning, but when I feel that I am not scheduled with any designated schedule for the following day, I naturally wake up a bit late. But I know waking up late messes up my work and makes me busier. How about you? Waking up early and finding my “me time” while all others are under cozy blankets, takes you to another world. What a feeling and it saves you time.

You can pay extra care to your skin. Little yoga or your preferred exercise. The bicycle ride is a good way to spend your “me time”, you see many things and you feel many. Get some nature photographs while riding or walking.

You can collect those wildflowers and prepare a nice flower vase. This bunch was gifted by one kind Japanese granny to me. So you might get even such heart-filling gifts while spending “Me time”. Read something you feel alive and refreshing. As well take care of your little plants. Nature is a great way to heal yourself always.

Prepare your short meal which makes you happy. I always enjoy my morning milk in my style. It makes me alive.

Anything additional have in your “Me time”? waiting to hear from you all!!

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