Recap to the last year 2022


Exactly two days after landing in Japan, we went to Sky Tree. It was exactly the 31st of December 2022. Now we are at the edge of 2023 almost. Time flies. My mind flew the day of December 2022 with the photos filled in the galley. The Tokyo as well as the streets and lanes were in its style. Dazzling and shining, truly enchanting.

We had to stand for nearly 45 minutes to obtain the tickets for Sky Tree. What a crowd!!

At the top, the view is unutterable and magnificent. It was my first time seeing around in such a high place. The whole town in my naked eyes. These little tours fulfill my earnest desire to explore new experiences and places. Though the crowded places are out of taste, there are some times you need to be in such places too.

What a view at the top, this capture took me to another dimension.

A year has passed, in a jiffy. With all life, I have passed so far, apart from my primary family now I am cooperating and mingling with the best soul I have ever met in my life. So blessed I am!! Your choices make you happy and relieved. Life is all about challenges, ups and downs never ending but continuing. The most valuable thing is you must face with a free soul.

If you are growing up in a new land away from the mother country, you have new people to be associated with a new culture to be mingled with, as well as a new language, exactly. Everything you see you feel is new and fresh. You know the struggle you are having, a sweet struggle. probably it would take some time to understand. Enjoy the moment to the fullest.

Let us wait for another cool, refreshing year ahead. Trust yourself!!

Any thoughts for 2024?

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