Omu rice: Eggs are always magical


Omu rice is, chicken fried rice covered with a layer of tender omelet. It is a traditional dish in Japan. Along with some additions I had an omu rice dish one fine evening.

First, prepare the fried rice. Put the pan over medium heat add some olive oil, and minced onion, into about 1.3cm pieces. By the time of onion slices getting tender add boneless chicken thighs. Add the rice and mix well. You can have any vegetable leftovers if you like. In addition, add ketchup and tomato sauce. Now the fried rice is ready and moved to another plate.

Wash the pan and let’s get ready to make the most important omelette.

Wisk one egg and 1tbsp milk, well. Heat the pan with medium-high heat with some olive oil and pour the egg mixture. Make sure to coat whole pan with oil. Cook the omelette till the bottom get set. But remember the surface is soft. Now lower the heat. Add some cheese at the omelette surface and put fried rice at the middle which is sufficient per serving. Using a spatula fold the edges of the omelette to cover the fried rice in the middle.

Hold the pan in one hand and plate in the other, flip the pan, and put the fried rice-filled omelet into the plate.

You can add some ketchup at the top. Here i did some extra decoration as told before.

I add some black sesame on top of the omu rice. And some more fried chicken by the side. As I love green some lettuce.

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